Liberian movie "DELUDE" produced and directed by Alvin and Anson Nyemah. They shot most of the film in philly and north jersey. The film featured liberian actor Montel Swaray, Jamaican actress (Tyeaste Rainford), liberian actress Marcia Dorley, new face Particia Giple, James DahnSaw, liberian artist Kini T-Sweet Jabathy, Music Producer Fitzgerald Dj-Shine D'Beast and others making their debut.
NOVEMBER 5TH 2011 LIBERIAN MOVIE DELUDE was the most anticipated movie since Imported bride. The venue was located at"GALLERIA ISADA, and I must say it looked amazing.
As I walked in I was impressed with the set up and the decorations. Food and drinks were available, and the VIP rooms were nice and fit for VIP status. Now the movie started on time and to my surprise people were on time and ready to view the film, as many trickled in. As the film started i was impressed right away with their quality and great camera work. I have seen very few movies with that quality. I loved the story line because anyone can relate to it. Although, personally I would love to see more drama and more suspense. I loved the ending of the film, it was my favorite part of the movie.When it came to acting, I wanted to see more. Of course, you want to know what happen in the film, sorry I won't be able to tell you. you'll have to wait for the next premiere or DVD release.

Now after the viewing of the movie, as the lights came on, I was so happy to see that the Delude premiere was a full house. Now that is what I call support. I believe it was the best premiere yet and waiting to see who will top it. Nollywood stars like Desmond Elliot, Ocene movies, Chima Movie empire, Kayo kennedy, Best Davis, Chamberlyn,etc were there to support the Liberian movie. Now when it came to the Liberian stars, it was a full house. I mean DJ Lueve, E- boy, Diezi Dunbar, Elvis, Alvin P, ADHD, Liberian stars view, Africano, Liberian artist Tru story, Kool prince, Mrs.Gbor, douk de lib, buzz Liberia, beautiful model Lisa Togbah who was the red carpet host, Black diamond, I mean the list goes on. It was a great success. I am proud of the production and I look forward to the next project. I had a great time at the event. CONGRATS TO DELUDE PREMIERE!!!!

Try and get a copy of the "must see"movie Delude , or attend the next premiere and see how Liberian movies are growing.